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The Groove Mamma Goes Gourmet - Best Canadian Entertaining Cookbook

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Purge, purge, purge. No I haven't been struck with an eating disorder, I've just finished my New Year's kitchen purge. Most people purge their closets on a seasonal or at the very least a yearly basis. I however prefer to keep my '80s legwarmers and turn instead to my kitchen! During each year I seem to accumulate more and more kitchen "stuff". Gift gagets that my friends think I shouldn't do without like that rubber jar opener, synthetic fat skimmer, the mini chopper and the 18,000 garlic presses I have received. Now I'm a sharp knife and chopping board kind of gal so most of these gagets get stuck in a drawer forgotten about until I can no longer open that said drawer.

So it was with great satisfaction that I actually just got down to the task the other day and emptied every drawer and cupboard in my kitchen, looked with a critical eye and purged everything I haven't used within the last few months. Now I have a nice clean organized kitchen and the local Good Will shop has a new selection of garlic presses. That is until my mother comes over, asks me why I don't have a garlic press and rushes out to buy me one of the latest and greatest!

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