Last week I stumbled across a radio interview with Neil Pasricha, the author of the new book,
"The Book of Awesome". The book is a result of his fantastic website, , which he created at a low period in his life when he wanted to be reminded of the small things that made him smile. Things like,
- The cool side of a pillow
- Opening and sniffing a pack of tennis balls
- The smell of rain on a hot sidewalk
- Dancing when you're home alone
- Popping bubble wrap
- Laughing so hard you start crying
- And 994 other awesome things
While I listened to Neil speak about what made him smile, I found myself nodding and smiling too. That great feeling was contagious as I pictured my favourite simple food things. I started to compile a list and was grinning the whole time. Go ahead and try thinking of your own awesome things, the sillier the better, and I dare you not to start smiling like the proverbial Cheshire cat! In the meantime, here are some of my awesome favourites:
- The smell of fresh basil
- The crusty top of melted cheese
- The taste of the first ripe tomato in my garden
- A frosty glass from the freezer
- The granular icy part of a Lola
- The cork popping on a champagne bottle
- The way the bubbles from the above champagne feel on my tongue
- Eating summer cherries and spitting the pits as far as I can
- My first coffee of the day
Have an awesome day!