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The Groove Mamma Goes Gourmet - Best Canadian Entertaining Cookbook

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I’ve never been one for resolutions and especially at New Year’s; too much fun going on at this time of year to burden myself with unrealistic expectations. Besides resolutions are often about cutting back in your life and I’ve always felt that life is too short to deprive yourself of all the good stuff; like champagne, rich gooey cheeses and butterscotch sauce - everything in moderation I say!

Instead of resolutions I usually just make little promises to myself throughout the year as I see fit. For instance somewhere in the middle of 2007 I decided that I needed to stop being such a procrastinator in certain areas of my life. I pushed myself not to put off those little tasks that can add up quickly and then stress me out even quicker. So I made the call for any home repairs when they happened, I tackled my writing assignments well before they were due and I picked up the clutter when I saw it instead of stepping over it (and over it and over it!). I must say I did a pretty good job of sticking to it and I feel great about it. So maybe I am happy to make resolutions but just not only on January 1st. Seeing as it’s January 7th I should be safe to try a few.

Here are a few of my foodie promises to myself.

· Explore a different culture’s cuisine. African flavours and spices are first on the list.
· Open those bottles of wine I have been saving for a special occasion. Isn’t a Tuesday enough of a celebration?

· Continue to push my kids’ palettes with new tastes and textures. My 6 year old asked me if we were still on that “sophisticated palette kick” - um yes... that would be called eating in our house!

· Stop procrastinating and stock the freezer with batch meals for those crazy week nights—cabbage rolls, stews, soups, lamb shanks etc.

· Take my own advice and clean out my kitchen cupboards. I’m tired of moving the blender, the food processor and 3 coffee makers (don’t ask) just to get to the hand mixer.

I’ll let you know how the list goes! Happy New Year and Bon Appétit

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